Rabu, 30 Desember 2015

How To Make Alkohol

How To Make Alcohol

 Hello buddy to share knowledge that clever. This time I will write about how to make alcohol. For lovers of science, you can use this as an experiment, there may still be a lack please tampered own. Okay we just prepare the appliance first boss, crockery, namely: bottle aqua size of 1 liter, sugar half a kilo, yeast bread (commonly sold in stores / stalls bread), plastic hose (hose aluminum nicer), a pitcher who no heating element (which is unusual for boiled water), and the terakir balloon. Let us straight to the scene.

 1. We create the fermentation of sugar (sugar Tapai) .Take sugar into aqua bottle, mix enough water stir together, then sprinkle yeast bread to taste, cover tightly aqua bottle, love small hole for a straw, plug last straw straw connect the upper end of the mouth of the balloon and tie. Save Tapai / fermentation of sugar proficiency level is approximately 3 days (essentially to be Tapai sugar)-function is to place the discharge balloon C02 of the fermentation, but not to 02 from the outside in ( tricked-made balloon), this is to keep the growth of bacteria in the fermentation in order to create quality fermentation good .look image

 2.step further refining. If the fermentation is finished, pour the sugar water that has been fermented into a pot. Cover pot tightly as possible, put a hole above the lid of a small hose (hose aluminum earlier), and then create a spiral-shaped hose aluminum earlier, input into the spiral hose a container of cold water, then the end of the hose input into the glass or container to hold the liquid alcohol later (much like refining in the production of eucalyptus oil)

 3. Then boiled sugar water in the pot before, until boiling continues until all the liquid evaporates exhausted. How it works : Steam boiled fermented sugar water through tubes of aluminum, now if the hose passing through cold water was passed through the steam, automatic laws of physics (sorry physics what ya..hehe chemical) vapor will turn into drops of water / condense. Here it is that our capacity glass, liquid alcohol. Means experiment you in making alcohol succeed. Ow yha, for half a kilogram of sugar will usually result in a quarter cup of alcohol. How sob?, think about the process as in the image you want to experiment making alcohol? For your entrepreneurial , this could be developed for industrial bio-ethanol (alcohol content below)

 for environmentally-friendly fuels. see also related article

How to Use Paypal

How to use paypal How to Use PayPal PayPal is an intermediary that facilitates the transfer of money between man and businessman are online. Users only need to share information about finances with PayPal, not to the party is not known. PayPal can be used to buy things online, shop on eBay, or receive money from friends. In 2006, PayPal processed 6% of online payments worldwide and PayPal services continues to grow. To transact using PayPal, you are not always required to fill up in your PayPal account first. Order of payments is as follows: 1. Funds are available in your PayPal account, 2. Funds are available at US Bank for direct deposit, or 3. Funds are available on the credit card or debit card. Scheme General Use PayPal: 1. US Bank can be used to receive money (withdraw) from the PayPal account. 2. US Bank can be used to "upload funds" and debits for the payment process. 3. PayPal accounts can be used to pay or send money to other PayPal accounts. 4. PayPal accounts can be used to receive payments or remittances from the PayPal account of others. 5. Credit / debit card can be used to receive money (withdraw) from the PayPal account. 6. Credit / debit card can be used to make payments. 7. Local banks in Indonesia can be used to receive money (withdraw) from the PayPal account. Sending money with PayPal 1. To send money directly to someone, log into your PayPal account and press tab "Send Money". 2. Please enter your e-mail address or phone number of the recipient, the amount of money you want to send, and the currency you want to use. 3. Please give the remittance, and then press the "Continue". 4. Please see payment information, and then confirm the delivery. Shopping on eBay with PayPal 1. Almost all eBay sellers accept PayPal. It makes shopping on eBay is becoming increasingly easier. 2. Log in to your PayPal account and select the "edit profile". 3. Please select "Street Address". 4. Make sure the address listed at the address of credit card billing. 5. To use PayPal on eBay, please select Paypal as a payment option when paying after winning the auction. Shopping online with PayPal 1. Some online businesses also accept PayPal. To use PayPal on this site, please select PayPal as a payment option. 2. To pay, you need to log in to your PayPal account. 3. After login, you can review to payment and then press the Pay button.


Utilizing virtual world for income. Since Google makes Youtube as a subsidiary company, Youtube is getting a free shot up after Youtube then be integrated with Google Adsense. Google Adsense itself is an advertising program established by Google to facilitate a variety of companies to promote their products in a variety of websites. Terserbut advertising program now entered into the views youtube youtube and make a new online business field. From this Youtube then came various people who later became famous, call such as Justin Bieber, the singer is now the artist's young famous Worldwide earth. In Indonesia, there is Norman Kamaru with dance Chaiya- Chaiya including conch Poison duo ever booming with his lips sing. Youtube was not only print the new artists, but also scored a billionaire - rich billionaires. Among them even initially never thought their personal video will be a farm business that generates billions of rupiah. Who are they? Listen below Syai Carl, a little boy who was very funny. He was with a variety of experiences have a lot to inspire many people. From the video he uploaded, no less than Rp 2.7 billion per year has he got. Her Chanel has been subscribed by 2 million people. Another story of a beautiful young Natalie Tran, he is able to generate billions of rupiah just from the video - the video is simple. Business Opportunities youtube become so popular is certainly not without reason. Although the same - both based advertising, business youtube felt easier than adsense business content that is usually done by the bloggers. Among the advantages - advantages are: 1. Do not need to Write Articles For some people, writing articles is a job that is unbelievably boring. This also applies to the bloggers who at some point will feel saturated by then lost inspiration. But for YouTube, you just need to make a video, either from personal experience that you record, a combination of some of the videos that you do or might also various video animations as we've ever lihatdalam video Animation vs. Animator 2. The results not only in the count of click ads contrast with adsense content that calculation result is determined only by the number of clicks. Adsense Youtube calculated from the number of ad impressions. Then more and more video watched, the greater also income although ad is not in clicks. In addition to the advantages above, Youtube also has several drawbacks including requiring Internet network large enough to upload the video, especially if the video - the video has a fairly large capacity. This is different from adsense content that does not necessarily need a big quata making it more economical. Are you interested to make a funny video, sadly, the experience or the results of your creative editing into money? Try to learn Adsense Youtube. Origin you want to focus and persevere, success in the online business world is certainly not impossible.


Bonsai Planting Method

How to grow bonsai.
 You know bonsai? ,, Yes of course all know about this one plant. Bonsai are dwarf plants caused by inhibition of growth was due to both natural and some are deliberately stunted. Well this time we will follow or how create bonsai plants by hand is not a natural skill. Indeed, if in fact the logic of the best bonsai are bonsai which are old, some even hundreds tahun..so home made not good bonsai right ?? "not so anyway" If we want to seriously planting bonsai we can follow the steps below,

1. Find the seeds that we planted orange ,, eg. look old lime tree that has really old and then select one of the branches of the most neat and smallest.

2.Cara decision The orange tree branch can by grafting or grafting
 3.The branches rooted graft take and planting in soil media biasa.tunggu to grow heavy while we prepare media or to the process of creating bonsai pot. Here is the process or the bonsai right kerdilisasi ,, 1.siapkan large pot (try pot for a long time) with planting medium ,, - At a stone base was. being surrounded large gravel -and manure -and then seal it with sand .. -and the top soil and compost 2.Langkah second plant the seeds of bonsai grafts that have been fertile earlier into the pot. 3.Nah after the steps above are now living plant care.
 Do not forget to sow fertilizer if needed and also spray pesticides to kill pests. In fact the core of kerdilisasi bonsai is growing media.
 Keep the planting medium such as stone, sand, and gravel composed dominantly in the pot. And to supply nutrients to plants try to land kompos

 To beautify the bonsai do care branches with the formation of disposable stainless wire and shape according to taste. For treatment leaves, usually in the early stages of the leaves are still lush and too wide .you can prune leaves wide tanpak regularly every day, and will be replaced new leaves are sweeter. Good luck, may be helpful for your bonsai plant lovers in particular.


Black holes (black holes), the largest in the universe discovered
 Black holes or the largest black holes in the universe have been found with the weight of 6.8 billion times the mass of the sun.
 So big, the hole is said to be able to swallow the Earth and all the contents of the solar system. With the size of the horizon, it is estimated the entire solar system can not run away from this edge, including light once. By comparison, the amount could reach four times the orbit of the planet Neptune. The black hole that is located in M87. So far, it is the largest galaxy closest to the Milky Way.

 The distance is estimated to approximately 50 million light years from Earth and is still not known when the 'monster' was born. Given the size is very huge, some scientists thought the hole was created by hundreds of black holes merge into one in the past. "He could swallow system our solar system, "says Karl Gebhardt, a scientist from the University of Texas, Austin-US, as quoted from the All Voices, Sunday, January 16, 2011. A special telescope in Hawaii are used by scientists to observe objects that are estimated to have weighed twice as much than ever before.

With the telescope, Gebhardt and his team were able to observe space objects up to a distance of 500 km. "And, this giant black hole is a black hole termasif and most accurate we've ever found," said astronomer George Djorgovski of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena

Lubang hitam(blackhole )terbesar di alam semesta ditemukan

Black hole atau lubang hitam terbesar di alam semesta telah ditemukan dengan berat 6,8 miliar kali massa Matahari. Saking besarnya, lubang tersebut konon mampu menelan Bumi beserta seluruh isi tata surya.

Dengan ukuran cakrawala sebesar itu, diperkirakan seluruh isi tata surya tidak bisa melarikan diri dari tepi ini, termasuk cahaya sekali pun. Sebagai perbandingan, besarnya bisa mencapai empat kali lipat orbit planet Neptunus.

Lubang hitam itu terletak di M87. Sejauh ini, ia adalah galaksi terbesar yang terdekat dengan galaksi Bima Sakti. Jaraknya diperkirakan kurang lebih 50 juta tahun cahaya dari Bumi dan masih belum diketahui kapan 'monster' ini lahir.

Menilik ukurannya yang sangat raksasa, sejumlah ilmuwan menganggap lubang itu tercipta karena ratusan lubang hitam yang bergabung menjadi satu di masa lalu.

"Ia bisa menelan sistem tata surya kita," kata Karl Gebhardt, seorang ilmuwan asal University of Texas, Austin-AS, seperti dikutip dari All Voices, Minggu 16 Januari 2011.

Sebuah teleskop khusus di Hawaii digunakan oleh para ilmuwan untuk mengamati obyek yang diperkirakan memiliki berat dua kali lipat dibandingkan sebelumnya. Dengan teleskop tersebut, Gebhardt dan timnya mampu mengamati obyek luar angkasa hingga kejauhan 500 km.

"Dan, lubang hitam raksasa ini adalah lubang hitam termasif dan terakurat yang pernah kami temukan," kata Astronom George Djorgovski dari California Institute of Technology di Pasadena


big bang explossion

Moments Cosmological

 Seconds formation of the universe Astronomers have released the findings were impressive related to the birth of the universe. The team of researchers space of the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in Massachusetts, US, managed to detect the period of the earliest after the advent of the Big Bang, the process of violent collisions that gave birth to the universe around 13.8 billion years ago.
 Launch Daily Mail, Tuesday, March 18, 2014, researchers successfully detect gravitational waves from billionth sepertriliun picosecond after the Big Bang.
Almost unimaginable to know one picosecond together with sepertriliun seconds. Mentioned first gravitational waves that can support human knowledge about the birth of the universe. It is not easy to get a gravitational wave at the earliest time after the Big Bang. Researchers use super-sensitive radiation detector and then install a radio telescope at the Pole BICEP2 South. This facility has been working since nine years ago.
 After nearly a decade running, investigators later found a bright spot search. They managed to find patterns of rotating the radiation background behind the cosmic created by the gravitational waves that caused the early formation of the universe. Jupiter Start Life on Earth? Suddenly finding gravitational waves earliest after the Big Bang that shook the world of physics. "It was incredible. This confirms the idea that strange. Furthermore, it is clear to be confirmed with other technologies, "said Professor Peter Ade, researchers who helped build the instrument detection waves. Ade also said the researcher behind these findings are highly deserves the Nobel Physics." This is what I refer to as the Nobel laureate of physics.

Big Bang
What needs to be debated just who should get the Nobel, "he said. The findings will be test by researchers and other experts to consolidate the findings. So far, noted after the Big Bang theory, the universe is like a hot soup of particles. It took about 380 thousand years to cool the particles which then form atoms.
Once the atom is formed later appeared galaxies and stars. Walk billions of years, then came the planets formed from gas and dust.
 Along the formation of planets, the small part of the universe is formed. Thus, astronomers were very special findings in an effort to uncover the process of formation of the universe. Interestingly, in locating the wave of gravity, researchers at Harvard - Smithsonian Center, just scan two percent of the entire expanse of universe universe within three years. Physicists from Arizona State University, Lawrence Krauss said, the possibility of the light wave patterns that reveal the gravitational wave it could not sign the reaction after the Big Bang.
 However, he did not deny that the discovery of gravitational waves is hard indisputable. "This being our best hope to test directly whether a surge in growth is very fast," said Krauss. The new finding was announced by a collaboration of researchers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, University of Minnesota, Stanford University, California Institute of Technology and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA. The leader of the study, John Kovac of elements Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics explains, these findings will be published in a scientific journal this week.


26 Januari2015 Earth Asteroid Coming Giants On 30 January 2004, scientists Americans found a giant asteroid that is believed to be closer to the earth's future. The prediction was correct, and rare events that will occur at the end of this month, NASA had been issuing warnings when the asteroid '2004 BL86' will be a passing asteroid with the closest distance to Earth throughout the history of man, the Daily Mail (14/01). Based on the research of the light reflected by the asteroid, scientists believe that if its size can reach half a kilometer! "Monday, January 26th will be the day on which the asteroid 2004 BL86 reaching distance of closest approach to Earth, at least for 200 years," said Don Yeomans, a space retired from NASA. Then if asteroid 2004 BL86 were preparing to 'stop' to the earth that can harm the human race? Apparently not. Scientists believe that if the asteroid 2004 BL86 is at a safe distance on 26 January. Roughly the distance is 1.2 million kilometers, or three times the distance of the moon to the earth. "Asteroid 2004 BL86 will not be a threat to Earth in the future. Given this asteroid is one of the largest known to man, is certainly very interesting to observe at its closest distance to the Earth, "said Yeomans. Yeomans and other scientists are still not able to predict whether the 200 again asteroid 2004 BL86 changes the trajectory and potentially crashing into Earth. However, before that happens the earth was still going to the arrival of another large asteroid, the asteroid 1999 AN10 are expected to approach the earth is much more close than asteroid 2004 BL86. Scientists reckon the arrival of asteroid 1999 AN10 would happen years later in 2027, or 12 years from now

How to Get Money in Youtube

How to get money from youtube How to Make Money on the Internet Internet YouTube YouTube is a web video yielding dollar money or when we use the way the right way to get money from youtube it. there are various ways that must be done to get money from this youtube. So in addition you can enjoy watching the video, you also can get free money easily from youtube. How do I get money from youtube videos with free internet, let us see how. The logic actually we just upload the video to youtube, and when no one sees our videos then we will get the money earlier, so this youtube as well as advertisements in the view one would get paid uang.lalu how much revenue we can be and how it lists? For those of you who got interested in watching youtube program can this money, please see the information below: For every video that we see, then we can get $ 0.01. So that more dollars come in, then we are given the opportunity to provide comments on the video that we just saw. Price we can for one comment that we give is $ 0.01. And if you have a referral active you will get to see the video 0005 and got a $ 0.001 cash if they leave comments on the video. How to earn money from youtube: 1. Open an account youtube The most First of course you need to create a new YouTube account or use an account that already exists. Add keywords for easy YouTube users find your account. In addition you also choose the type of account to match the specifications of your video .. 2. Uploading your video Keep the videos you upload are familiar and attractive to the crowds, video increasingly more you upload will make money the more you will get from Youtube. 3. Register at PayPal you must have an online account or sejanis paypal to transfer the money you will get, if you do not have this account then simply be futile. 4.Register in PAID2YT With you register on the web, then each video you will watch yielding dollar, every comment and every who watched and dikomeni by your referral everything will menghasilakan dollars for you. 5.Register in YOUTUBEPARTNER With you register in youtubepartner then every video you watch will mendapatkna dollar, although the dollar amount or the money you get different the number of spectators. then upload the video on youtube as much as possible and as attractive as possible. 6. Promote your youtube video. If you already have a YouTube video do not sit back and expect the audience to come. Make your blog or website post your YouTube video in your blog or website or share videos YouTube in other places. More and more people see it, the better. By sharing links or sharing video over the Internet is widely you increase the odds of video content that are increasingly being seen as well as the opportunity to generate more money from it. This is an easy way to earn money from youtube you without working too hard to do a job, even this result can categorize your income in the form of passive income. thanks and congratulations visit here